Sunday, August 24, 2014

Insider Info: Players Hand Probabilities

Player Hand Probabilites

Listed below are the probabilities of the player's starting hand

1) Blackjack – 4.8% (winning hand)
2) Point totals of  17 – 20 – 30.0% (automatic stand)
3) Point totals of 12 – 16 – 38.7%  (decision hands)
4) Point totals of 4 – 11 – 26.5% (must hit)
Notes from a dealer:
One of the more common questions or complaints that I hear every day,from players, is "How come you are always giving me 13 or 14?"
When playing blackjack the probability of the players starting hands  (First 2 Cards) being a point total of 13  or 14, is almost 40%.  There is a mathematical reason the player often feels they are always being dealt 13, because nearly half of the time, they are!
Conversely, I also hear many times a day, "how come you never give me a blackjack"---or---"I have only had 2 blackjacks all day today".  
The odds of the player being dealt a blackjack is 4.8%. 
At less than 5% of your hands, it is easy to see why players feel like Blackjacks don't come around very often and probably the reason why, right after a player is dealt one,  The first word The dealer hears is "Finally". 

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